Anchor City Rollers is Halifax's Flat Track Roller Derby Team
Our Story
The league was founded in August 2010 by a group of dedicated, enthusiastic, tough folks who decided to jump on quad skates and hit the pavement. Since then, the league has grown and evolved into a rockin’, riotous and remarkable creature. We held our first bout in June 2011, in front of 700+ spectators.
We are a non-profit organization. Each Anchor City Rollers event is 100% dependent on volunteer time and energy, and any money we raise goes back to the league to help pay for things like practice space and supplies. Our league is successful thanks to the support of our friends, family and community.
Our Mission
The Anchor City Rollers is comprised of people with athleticism, passion, and a fierce sense of community, playing a hard-hitting sport of speed and skill. Our goals are to serve our community by empowering each other while providing entertainment for our fans and supporting charitable causes.
Interested in getting involved? We are looking for skaters, referees, non-skate-officials and event volunteers. See our Get Involved section for more details.
Our History
The Halifax Roller Derby Association was founded in August 2010 by former members Sarah Chaotica and Erin Jones. Sarah was a driving force behind the evolution of what we now know as the Anchor City Rollers, pouring her passion and love of derby into growing the league to become a presence in the HRM and beyond. As Anchor City Rollers (ACR) continues to grow and take on a life of its own, we will always remember those who got us started in the right direction.
We began with practices outside on the Halifax Commons, later finding various indoor spaces as derby popularity inevitably grew. The culmination of all these efforts was our first bout ever in June 2011, which was successful beyond all expectation with approximately 700 in attendance!
The league has grown exponentially since our start in 2010, and to reflect this, in 2014 we chose to update our league’s name and branding from Halifax Roller Derby Association to Anchor City Rollers. The name was chosen to pay homage to the history of Halifax, which has one of the world’s deepest natural harbours.